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Re: Proxy Problems with last QT update

On Wednesday 06 August 2014 09:47:55 Werner Mahr wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 5. August 2014, 17:38:11 schrieben Sie:
> > Hi Werner! Interestingly enough I haven't seen this behaviour on my proxy-
> > impaired network. Non the less I'm going to check tomorrow again.
> For reproducing it's maybe nice to know the setup. My server runs the proxy,
> dnsmasq, dovecot and leafnode. Mail-, news- and proxyserver and the
> exception for them are set by hostname.
> Maybe the most important, it's an IPv6-only setup with static addresses.
> > I don't know for sure it this is a KDE or Qt bug, but I think the best way
> > to solve this will be reverting the change if needed.
> As konqueror works, I would be it's somewhere in networks initialization
> code of some kio.

Maxy points me out that you seem to be having proxy problems with non http 
stuff. Are you setting some socks_proxy system-wide?

By the way, are you subscribed to this list? It's to know if I should CC you 
or not.

Existe un problema cultural, el que lleva -por ejemplo- a los padres a
comprar una computadora y ponerla en la habitación de los varones.  La
computadora tiende a ser vista como un objeto "masculino", por lo cual
el número de mujeres interesadas es menor.
  Margarita Manterola, Debian Developer, en un mail sobre las mujeres
  en el software libre, LugFi.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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