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Re: Fw: Re: junior-programming

On Wed, May 16, 2001 at 09:57:33AM -0700, Terry Hancock wrote:
> I have already decided that (unless something better
> comes along before then) that [Python] is what I'll start
> my kids on (I think they need to be able to read
> first, though :) ).

Yep.  I've pretty much come to the same conclusion myself for
my own kids.

> I haven't tried out the Debian Logo package -- I used
> Logo in a class with 2nd graders, which went reasonably
> well. But it's been so long, I really don't remember
> it.

I have tried it a little bit and found the user interface a
bit clunky.  I need to re-establish contact with the Glogo
upstream maintainer and see if he is going anywhere with it.
I had hoped that some issues with upstream packaging would be
cleaned up before packaging this for Debian.  (Basically, as
it stands, Glogo would need to Conflict with ucblogo, whereas
it should be made to co-exist with it.  Upstream has forked
ucblogo, but intends to send back patches and have them re-
integrated in ucblogo itself so that they can happily co-

> I do have to say though, that I don't like emacs. (horrors!)
> I have no problem with other people using it, but I'd
> like to have a choice of editor.

You do.  The overhead for the Python elisp mode is not very big.
We're not forcing you to use it. :)  All we are saying is that
languages with elisp modes are a great boon to those who do use
emacs.  Naturally there are those to whom this doesn't matter.

> Anyway, I'd like to see a more minimalist editor
> available -- something you can just open up and type
> in, with perhaps syntax coloring.  I find gVim comes
> pretty close, but the interaction between modes and
> mouse-based editing is perhaps confusing.

See junior-writing.  In addition to emacs it includes vim (which gVim
provides), nedit, and nano, a nice sampling of simple editors.

    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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