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Re: Review of fairsim, libjtransforms-java and libjlargearray-java

On 4 October 2017 at 18:17, Markus Koschany <apo@debian.org> wrote:
> Am 04.10.2017 um 17:42 schrieb Carnë Draug:
>> On 3 October 2017 at 18:12, Markus Koschany <apo@debian.org> wrote:
>>> Am 03.10.2017 um 17:30 schrieb Carnë Draug:
>>>> On 2 October 2017 at 00:21, Markus Koschany <apo@debian.org> wrote:
>>>>> [...]
>>>>> You don't have to add the classpath to the library. The Lintian check
>>>>> that warned about this issue has recently been removed.
>>>> Without the classpath, then users of the jar files need to figure out
>>>> the dependencies themselves which does not work.  As someone that
>>>> routinely uses java libraries via Python and Octave, I find it
>>>> essential.
>>> It really depends on the build system. Since this is a Maven project
>>> dependencies are declared in pom.xml files. What you are referring to is
>>> Debian's way of installing jar files into /usr/share/java. This is meant
>>> for build systems like Ant where you can easily add a symlink to your
>>> package and reference the versionless jar file. That's fine if you want
>>> to support this use case but it is not essential to get another package
>>> working and it might even introduce unwanted side effects like [1].
>> I don't understand why the build system used by a project should
>> affect the end user of said project.
>> I am also not referring to the Debian's way of installing jar files
>> into /usr/share/java.
> [...]
> Those libraries are Maven projects and they are intended to be used as
> dependencies for other Maven projects by upstream.

I still don't understand the connection between the build system of a
project and how the end binary should be used afterwards.  These are
not Maven projects.  They are Java projects where maven was the build
system.  The build system should only affect how that project is
built, not how it is used by the end-user.

> I can't find any hint
> of support for other build systems in the original tarballs.

That's not what I am trying to do. The java library is already built.
I am only trying to configure it properly for usage in a Debian
system.  Both fairsim and JTransforms provide a jar file with all
dependencies bundled to be used so one can use them fine without

> What you
> are doing is adding support for other use cases by installing the jar
> files into /usr/share/java. That's absolutely fine and the historical
> way how Java projects were initially packaged for Debian. For a pure
> Maven project adding the Class-Path attribute to the manifest file would
> be unnecessary because the files in /usr/share/java are not used by Maven.
>>>>> If you do it and
>>>>> use jh_classpath or the *.classpath file then you must specify the
>>>>> absolute path to the libraries otherwise they won't be found.
>>>> Not true.  The path can be relative to the directory of the jar file
>>>> that contains the manifest file.
>>> Let me rephrase this. It is possible but bad practice. Don't assume that
>>> your jar file is always in the same directory as your dependencies. The
>>> only way to ensure that is to use an absolute path.
>> Why is that bad practice?
> Can you guarantee that your relative path is always unambiguous even if
> you copy the jar file into another project or install the jar file into
> a completely different directory?

If the file is not copied, which should not, then yes, it will
unambiguous.  Other Debian packages should create symlinks not copy
the file in which case the path will be resolved correctly.  Why
should Debian packages have to cover the case where a file is copied
somewhere else?

> I have been working for the past five
> years in this team and I can tell you a lot of things can go wrong when
> it comes to class loading. It really helps if all packages behave
> identical hence you will find many, many packages in our team that use
> absolute paths when exporting the CLASSPATH variable or when modifying
> the Class-Path attribute.

I believe you but I don't know what those situations are because I
never faced them and I am only starting with packaging java libraries.

My reasoning is that if the location of a jar file changes, it would
be more likely because the location for jar files in general changed.
So a relative path would continue to work while an absolute path would
break.  But I can set absolute paths no problem.

> [...]
>>> I can reproduce your issue. This is related to upstream's unusual choice
>>> of options in the pom.xml file. First of all I'm not sure why he won't
>>> simply stick to the default Maven directory layout (src/main/...).
>> Because he doesn't use or like maven.  It's there only so that other
>> people can make use of it but he uses the Makefile for himself.
> That is not an excuse for writing bad pom files.

That is very unfair.  It is not a bad pom file because the project
builds fine.  Maven supports using alternative file structure and
that's what upstream is doing.  What is bad about it?  Seems fair to
me that a project should not have to worry with issues involving the
addition of foreign files to the tree.

>>> This
>>> would solve your problem immediately. The issue here is that he uses
>>> <sourceDirectory>./</sourceDirectory> which tells Maven to look into the
>>> root of your build directory and then it detects the patched class in
>>> the ~/.pc directory and the original class under org and fails.
>>> I would try to fix the build system (the pom.xml) but I don't have a
>>> patch at hand at the moment. Perhaps someone else on the list knows a
>>> better solution.
>> I have tried to change the build system already but I can't figure out
>> the right maven magic to make it look only inside ".org" either.  I
>> think it may have to do with how debian-maven-helper is used.  Note
>> how I had to manually remove a java file from the source tree in
>> `rules` [2] even though `pom.xml` should clearly exclude it [3].
> This is not an issue with maven-debian-helper because it simply invokes
> Maven which rightfully complains about duplicated classes. The pom.xml
> and the directory layout should be changed.

A patch that moves all the files in 'org' to 'src/main/java/org' will
cause conflicts with each update.  Wouldn't be much less disruptive to
instead patch the pom.xml file to ignore a '.pc' directory?

Maven documentation suggests it is possible to exclude en entire
directory but for some reason the exclude options seem to be ignored
during the build.  Note that it even ignores the exclude options set
in the original pom.xml file which is why I think the issue is on
debian-maven-helper or what else is doing the compilation.


[2] https://github.com/carandraug/debian-fairsim/blob/master/debian/rules#L6
[3] https://github.com/carandraug/debian-fairsim/blob/master/pom.xml#L123

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