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Re: wheezy update of httpcomponents-client

On Sat, Apr 18, 2015 at 06:07:13PM +0200, Markus Koschany wrote:
> Hi,
> I was recently involved in fixing #758086, CVE-2014-3577, in
> commons-httpclient. Since httpcomponents-client is the successor of
> commons-httpclient, I saw that this package is also affected by
> CVE-2014-3577. I have prepared a debdiff for wheezy with all the
> necessary changes which is attached to this e-mail. Although I could
> have omitted the CVE-2012-6153.patch, I found it useful enough to apply
> it anyway, mostly because I didn't have to rebase the Fedora patch which
> dealt with the same issue. It is also obvious now that CVE-2012-6153 has
> been fixed for wheezy. Upstream commits and corresponding bug reports
> for RedHat are documented in the patch headers. I intend to file a
> wheezy-pu bug report because this vulnerability is marked as "no-dsa" by
> the security team. I would be glad if someone sponsored this package for me.

Hi Markus,

I can sponsor it.

What's the release.debian.org bug number for this?


Miguel Landaeta, nomadium at debian.org
secure email with PGP 0x6E608B637D8967E9 available at http://miguel.cc/key.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." -- Nietzsche

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