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Re: RFS: libnanoxml2-java (updated package)

> Hi, I'm looking over the package now.
Sorry about the delay. I had tried jh_innstalljavadocs before but
misunderstood a few things. I tried again since it was in your
feedback. It took some time to figure out what I had done wrong. (And
to debug I needed a long slice of time that I didn't have until today)

> There's a couple of things (which aren't
> new, but should probably be changed either in this or the next upload. Yes,
> I'm aware I sponsored the last one...):
I found some regressions myself. Hopefully there won't be more. Thank
you for your feedback. When reading the rest of my email please bear
in mind that English is not my native language so in case I get the
tone wrong: I am thank full for your feedback. (When I ask question
it's because I want answers, not because I think you are stupid etc)

As an answer to the why's below: I made libnanoxml2-java while
learning Debian packaging so I read a lot of policy documents, package
desciptions etc. Some of it was probably out of date, from other
distros, etc since I didn't know where to find the "official"

>  - I doubt you want default-jdk-builddep, that pulls in GCJ for building -gcj
>  packages (yes, it's badly named). You probably want default-jdk

>  - If you are build-depending on default-jdk, why are you then depending on
>  openjdk?
OpenJDK is just the default unless another dependency in
java2-runtime-headless is installed. The idea was to ensure repeatable
builds if another packages depend on nanoxml. I think I got it from
one of the above mentioned policy files. Is it wrong to do this now?

>  - shouldn't you also depend on java5 and java6 virtual packages in the
>  alternate depends?
Not sure what you mean here. Doesn't java2-runtime-headless include
all packages in java5-runtime-headless and java6-runtime-headless? Do
you mean to include "headfull"? (From the packages I have checked
"headfull" pulls inn headless so no need to make them an alternative
since headless is there if "headfull" is there as well)

>  - you should probably have a look at the dh 7 integration with javahelper, and
>  jh_installjavadoc.
I think I'll delay learning dh 7 until later, but it's on my list.
jh_installjavadoc is now used.

> However, I can't upload this version even ignoring that, since it doesn't build
> with the latest version of javahelper, as jh_build now calls javadoc by
> default, so you need to pass in "--javadoc-opts=-source 1.4" (or --no-javadoc).
Sorry about that. (I tired create a pbuilder for Sid. Since it didn't
work I made one for squeeze and tried to upgrade it to Sid. Seems like
it didn't work) I looked into using jh_build for javadocs but since
jh_build only provide docs for the last jar I think I'll stick to the
old system for now. (The old system also links between the javadoc for
the different jars)


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