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Re: Java-Programm to be included into debian: azureus (bittorrent client)

Hi Linus,

If you want to package it yourself, you have to read some docs ;-)

If you'd like the package in Debian but don't want to package it
yourself, file a wishlist bug (see the package 'reportbug') against wnpp
with the subject RFP (request for packaging) and add to your bug report
all the informations you already included in this mail.


Linus van Geuns <vangeuns@atis.uka.de> writes:

> Hi all,
> I don't know if this is the right NG to ask my question, plz tell if I
> should use another...
> I want to know, where I can read if a package ([1]azureus) is to be
> included into the debian distri?
> Azureus is a comfortable [2]Bittorrent-client written in Java and is
> already distributed as a [3]Linux-Package, but I would like to get it
> via 'apt-get' as part of my distribution(Debian testing).
> Someone out there can help me?
> [1] http://azureus.sourceforge.net
> [2] http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/
> [3] http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=84122
> Greetz,
> Linus van Geuns.
> -- 
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 : :' :rnaud
 `. `'  

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