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Re: bugwatcher problems

Hallo Mark,

* Mark Howard wrote:
>  Bugwatcher works with gij or blackdown java
>  My wrapper scripts just call /usr/bin/java, since both of the above
>  create this. This has two problems:
>  - my programs don't work if java alternative is set to something else

I noticed :)

>  - it is not easy for me to ask users to test things with an
>	alternative jvm

if [ ! -N $JAVACMD ] ; then
  # do some magic; See below for an example.

>  I could invent some wrapper script that looks for gij first then
>  j2sdk, and have an option -jvm=gij to override it, but I'm thinking
>  there's got to be a better, more standard way. This has probably been

No. That why there was a big policy discussion last year and findjava
was invented. See http://java.debian.net/index.php/CommonJavaPackaging
for more information about findjava and other tools (and about how
other packaging groups are working around this problem).

>  discussed before, but I was too bust to follow the long threads at the
>  time. Could you possibly say what the results of those discussions
>  were, or suggest how to handle this issue?

The 'suggested' way was: wait for sarge, do another discussion, do the
implementation and then decide on the proposal. Seems that Stefan took
some of the ideas and weent for his own proposal (Stefan, may I ask,
why you didn't say something at that time?). Anyway, there is
currently no way to do something else than

for java in <list of known working locations of JVMS> ;  do
  if [ -x $java ] ; then break; fi
exec $java ...

And if you want to make dpkg happy, you even have to do something like 
gij | kaffe | j2sdk1.4 |... |java2-runtime
(the last will propably work, as it has no install candiate in main.
Only sun derived JVM will provide such a thing. java1-runtime is
provided with sablevm, which will not run bugwatcher)

>	at java.util.zip.Inflater.end(Native Method)
>	at java.util.zip.Inflater.end(Inflater.java:294)

AFAIK, I've seen that with BD debian package (see the eclipse buglog).
Debian BD package are propably compiled agains a libSomething version,
which has changed in debian. That's at least my explanation, newer
(e.g.: not packaged, but -bin download) seems to work fine.

Jan Schulz                     jasc@gmx.net
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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