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Re: libc upgrade has broken jdk 1.3?

Stephen Zander wrote:> "Alban" == Alban Peignier <alban.peignier@free.fr> writes:

    Alban> Does anyone run the blqckdown jdk1.3 into a sid
    Alban> successfully ?

No, because it's not possible.  All Blackdown JVM < 1.4 use internal
glibc symbols that ceased to exist with the release of glibc 2.3.1

But isn't the whole library versioning thing meant to solve this sort
of things?  why isn't the old libc kept about as an explicit version
that java can link directly to?

Isn't there something we can do to change libjvm to explicitly link
to the old version of the lib?


Greg Wilkins<gregw@mortbay.com>             Phone/fax: +44 7092063462
Mort Bay Consulting Australia and UK.          http://www.mortbay.com

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