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Re: bind9 graphical admin interface

On 01/04/08 18:34, Adam McGreggor wrote:
On Tue, Apr 01, 2008 at 07:01:29PM +0200, randall wrote:
hoping somebody has pleasant experiences with any of these and can give 
a positive recomandation
About the only graphical thing that didn't make my eyes bleed/brain
melt/panic at how crap it is has been 
Smbind (http://sourceforge.net/projects/smbind). YMMV.

Oddly enough I've come to the same conclusion of picking SMBind while looking for a control panel to provide to my clients so they can manage their own DNS on my server.

It didn't quite suit my requirements exactly, so I'm making some changes and will republish it.  One thing I've been working on is adapting someone else's zone file import script (although this might not be useful to you), and adding a couple more NS server entries, as two wasn't enough redundancy as far as I was concerned.  I'd be interested in what other's needs are for changes, and anyone who wants to help with changing the code, as my PHP skills aren't great.



Gavin Westwood

http://www.solutium.net - Going the extra mile to provide a fast, helpful, reliable Web Hosting service.

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