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On Fri, 2007-06-01 at 21:26 -0400, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
>   25/37700 works out to be 0.066% of spam not being blocked.

Those are impressive spam reduction numbers.... but zero is still

> Does your mail server perform better than allowing 0.066% of spam
> through for a comparable level of traffic?  

Yes.  I run a system with 1200+ users, that has been online for 7+
years, and never once has a spam email gotten through to the list
membership.  It is possible to run a public mailinglist that doesn't
pass spam through to the membership.

> I know mine doesn't.  I'd love it if my filters were even half as 
> effective as those on the Debian mail servers.

It's not just spam filters that you need.  You need to think through the
complete process from SMTP connect all the way to stat=Sent.  There are
many many levels that have to work together to defeat mailinglist spam.

Looking at the debian-isp May 2007 archives, I see spam from these email

Date: 09-May-2007
From: "linda minarmi" <lindaminarmi@gmail.com>  (2)
From: "mykta softloans" <softloans@gmail.com>   (1)

Date: 19-May-2007
From: "mypersonal loans" <mypersonalloans@gmail.com> (5)

it seems to me that a good first step would be to only allow subscribers
to post, and if that is the case, simply moderate all new subscriptions
so that "sign-up and spam" isn't possible.  Yes, it takes some human
effort, but it improves the process for all.  I think the reason
murphy.d.o is so abused by spammers, is because it's not more
successful.  Spammers know how to abuse murphy.d.o, and they know other
sites accept email from murphy.d.o... so it encourages them to keep
doing their work here.  

Lock the lists down, make it difficult to just sign-up and post, and
outbound spam to the lists will drop to zero.  It is possible.

Opps, a new spam came in while drafting this email...
(Sales@DATOptic.com)... it has these headers:

X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.4 (2006-07-26) on
X-Spam-Level: ***
X-Spam-Status: No, score=3.4 required=4.0 tests=HTML_30_40,HTML_MESSAGE,

murphy.d.o should drop SA threshold down to 3 to be safe.

Also, the email originated at, a dynamic IP (who needs to
accept email from dynamic IPs?, use your ISPs mailserver for goodness

-Jim P.

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