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mysql & idle connections


  I have mysql4.0 server installed (sarge version) with wait_timeout
  and interactive_timeout both set to 28800 seconds and I can still
  see "older" connections in SHOW PROCESSLIST:

4183489 svbsoftsk host:43790 svbsoftsk Sleep 295239 --- ---
4187860 svbsoftsk host:49169 svbsoftsk Sleep 295118 --- ---
5178779 svbsoftsk host:55306 svbsoftsk Sleep 190604 --- ---
5178789 svbsoftsk host:55316 svbsoftsk Sleep 190604 --- ---
5178847 svbsoftsk host:55368 svbsoftsk Sleep 190690 --- ---
5178849 svbsoftsk host:55370 svbsoftsk Sleep 190604 --- --- 

  These connections are from tomcat 3.3 (using mysql-connector), but I
  think this shoudln't matter. Why doesn't mysqld kill these idle

  Do you know how to fix this? Because it keeps about 100 open
  connection to my mysql server (from 250 possible)...

  bYE, Marki

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