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Re: IPv6 with Zen in the UK

Am 01.04.2023 um 15:38:59 Uhr schrieb Mike Crowe:

> It looks like they use DHCPv6 to delegate the LAN prefix(es), but I'd
> (possibly incorrectly assumed) that this sentence from their email:

DHCPv6 prefix delegation is the next step, you need to configure the
transport network first.

> meant that I should expect to receive a RA with a /64 prefix for the
> WAN interface address. (Earlier in the email is a /64 described as
> the "ND prefix" along with a /48 described as the "delegation
> prefix".)

That sounds common.

> If they expected me to use DHCPv6 for this wouldn't they have set the
> M bit in the RA?

True, does it appear?
Is the RA you received like they described it?

You can use rdisc6 to manually send a solicitation to receive it.

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