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Re: How to disable ipv6 in Lenny to avoid in name resolution for AAAA type queries?

Could you please provide an example of a DNS server which I can
install using aptitude? Is bind or bind9 fine for this job?

I wonder why this problem doesn't occur with Ubuntu. If the community
would be interested, I can send some logs from both my Debian and
Ubuntu system for comparision. Or should I raise this discussion in
Debian bugs?

On Dec 15, 2007 9:40 PM, Nicolás Ruiz <nicolas@ula.ve> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello:
> Amogh Hooshdar wrote:
> > I am using Debian Lenny.
> >
> > $ uname -a
> > Linux mylappy 2.6.18-4-486 #1 Wed May 9 22:23:40 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
> >
> > I changed the "alias net-pf-10 ipv6" line to the following two lines.
> That's an interesting problem, and although I don't have an answer, I
> can tell you that disabling the IPv6 module would not solve the problem.
> You see, the IPv6 module only controls the handling of ipv6 packets sent
> or received, while your problem is generating AAAA queries. Since the
> AAAA queries can be - and in this case are - transported over IPv4, it's
> not working.
> The solution should involve the resolver library, which you control via
> /etc/resolv.conf. As far as I can tell, there is no system-wide way to
> prevent the use of IPv6, so no luck there.
> The only way I can think of (if you can't just update the DNS server to
> be able to handle IPv6 requests) is to install a local DNS server in
> your own laptop, disable handling (and querying) of AAAA records in the
> DNS server and make it recursive. Finally, point your resolver
> (/etc/resolv.conf) only to your local DNS server.
> hope it helps
> nicolás
> >
> > alias net-pf-10 off
> > alias ipv6 off
> >
> > After rebooting, I checked: lsmod | grep ipv6. Sure enough it is gone
> > and the command gives nil output. But when I use bitchx or pidgin to
> > connect to irc.freenode.net, I can still see DNS AAAA irc.freenode.net
> > type of queries.As a result our DNS server that can't handle
> > ipv6 returns as the address and the clients don't work.
> >
> > (1) First I tried making these changes /etc/modprobe.d/aliases - Result:
> > problem persists (Yes, I did reboot after the changes)
> >
> > (2) Next, I tried adding the two alias off lines in
> > /etc/modeprobe.d/00local - Result: problem persists.
> >
> > (3) Finally, I added the line "blacklist ipv6" towards the top (5th line)
> > of /etc/modeprobe.d/blacklist -  Result: still the problem persists.
> >
> > I have also tried the following as per some suggestions:-
> >
> > 1. commenting out ipv6 related lines in /etc/hosts
> > 2. /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop
> >
> > But they didn't help.
> >
> > I have succeeded to make Iceweasel work by setting
> > network.dns.disableIPv6=true in about:config. But I need a OS-wide
> > solution so that all my network apps do not send ipv6 DNS AAAA type
> > requests and they work successfully.
> >
> > Please help me to disable ipv6 completely.
> >
> >
> - --
> A: Because it destroys the flow of conversation.
> Q: Why is top posting dumb?
> - --
> Juan Nicolás Ruiz    | Corporación Parque Tecnológico de Mérida
> nicolas@ula.ve       | Mérida - Venezuela
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