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Re: question About ipv6

On Fri, Mar 09, 2007 at 08:18:06PM -0000, Luis wrote:

> windows computer when i configure thuntherbird email client to download
> email from my server (debian)
> mail6.myintranet [2001:b00:f80e:6c00::1]

Firstly, That IP address is assigned to an Italian network provider. If
you just picked it out of the air you'll likely run into trouble down
the line. If you don't have an IPv6 assignment of your own, you'll
probably want to use link-local addressing (in the fe80:: netblock)

> the windows computer cpu get 99% 88%
> however i did the same thing on linux workstation and everything just work
> okay
> what can be that ?
> is that a security trouble on my ipv6 local area network ? or i
> missconfigured something in my dns server , because when i start to work
> with ipv6 everything apparently was going fine.

This sounds like a problem with the Windows side of things, so I'm not
sure we will be able to help much, but some basic steps - can you ping6
the server? What about traceroute6? Can you telnet to the mail server
manually from the windows machine? If not what error message do you get?


Dominic Hargreaves | http://www.larted.org.uk/~dom/
PGP key 5178E2A5 from the.earth.li (keyserver,web,email)

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