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Re: New tunnel and radvd ?

Selon Jeroen Massar <jeroen@unfix.org>:

> You are behind a NAT, thus I do hope you setup your NAT-box correctly to
> forward the packets to the correct host.
> You need to forward protocol-41 for this to work. Usually configuring
> the real endhost as a 'DMZ host' works.
Thank you very much Jeroen, I had the same problem with hurricane through a
netgear router , with 'DMZ host' , it works well:
morph@ns1:~$ sudo ifconfig sit0 up
morph@ns1:~$ sudo ifconfig sit0 inet6 tunnel ::
morph@ns1:~$ sudo ifconfig sit1 up
morph@ns1:~$ sudo ifconfig sit1 inet6 add 2001:470:1F01:FFFF::E21/127
morph@ns1:~$ sudo route -A  inet6 add ::/0 dev sit1
morph@ns1:~$ ping6 www.kame.net
PING www.kame.net(orange.kame.net) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from orange.kame.net: icmp_seq=1 ttl=56 time=396 ms
64 bytes from orange.kame.net: icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=404 ms
64 bytes from orange.kame.net: icmp_seq=3 ttl=56 time=404 ms

I obtained a /64 allocation :
Assigned /64: 	2001:470:1F01:1908::/64
and I wanted to configure radvd.conf :
interface eth0
                AdvSendAdvert on;
                prefix 2001:470:1f01:1908::/64

and I assigned this address to eth0:
iface eth0 inet6 static
address 2001:470:1f01:1908::1
netmask 64

Now the ping6 www.kame.net does not work anymore on the router.
But client computer have got an address in the 2001:470:1f01:1908 network

Thank you if you can help me :-)

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