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Re: strange installation issue

(sorry for replying to you)


On Tue, Sep 03, 2002 at 10:31:30AM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
> First thing to try: ethereal, tcpdump, whatever you like. Look at 
> what's actually happening on layer 2. Are packets being sent? To the 
> right MAC address?
oh, i tried this. i get the following:

--($:~)-- tcpdump -i xl0 -n proto ipv6-icmp
tcpdump: listening on xl0
17:36:55.462827 3ffe:2029:8400:0:1::2 > ff02::1:ff00:1: icmp6: neighbor
sol: who has 3ffe:2029:8400:0:1::1
17:36:56.462734 3ffe:2029:8400:0:1::2 > ff02::1:ff00:1: icmp6: neighbor
sol: who has 3ffe:2029:8400:0:1::1

so the neighbor request goes out. but no answer. (this is a dump on the
openbsd box, dumping a ping from linux2219-usagi)
it works fine between the linux2219-usagi and the linux2219.
so.. is the neighbor sol request malformed? does openbsd thin it does
not have to answer it (whyever) ?

> If no packets are being sent, then it is a Linux problem.
> If packets are being sent to the right MAC, but no echo-replies are 
> being sent, then it is an OpenBSD problem.
> And so on.

> Second, make sure there is no firewall on the OpenBSD box.
there is. but i do allow all ipv6 traffic, from everywhere to everwhere.
(i disabled the firewall totally for these tests)

> Third question, why aren't you using stateless autoconf? ;-)
hehe... oh well, i would like to provide services to the world, so the
ips must be static for the dns services.

greetz & thank you for your help

Flavio Curti


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