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Re: Something sick with traceroute6


Quoting Craig Small (csmall@scooter.eye-net.com.au):
> scooter$ ping6 ftp.ipv6.nl
> PING ftp.ipv6.nl(ipv6.nl) 56 data bytes
> 64 bytes from ipv6.nl: icmp_seq=0 time=777.7 ms
> 64 bytes from ipv6.nl: icmp_seq=1 time=798.6 ms
> scooter$ traceroute6 ftp.ipv6.nl
> (lots of stars)

I hope you've tried some other hosts as well ? 

I just tried to connect to ipv6.nl to do some maintenance, and noticed it's
not really reacting..going to do something about that now.


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