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Bug#1004363: ibus: pops up window with accent mark

On 2022-01-26 at 20:34:09, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
> @Brian: Thanks for additional info.
> I probably tested on Wayland. Now I have tested on Xorg too, and don't see
> it there either.
> I have one idea (and this is a long shot): Do you possibly have an
> ~/.XCompose file? If you have, can you try to rename it (in order to disable
> it), relogin, and try again. The reason I ask is that I have
> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1849399> in mind. It shows that a mistake in
> ~/.XCompose might lead to unexpected behavior.

I don't have an ~/.XCompose file.  I use the standard X compose
sequences.  The only keyboard configuration I have at all is this in my
~/.Xsessionrc and an ~/.Xmodmap:

setxkbmap -option capslock:escape -option compose:lwin \
        -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp

The .Xmodmap looks like this:

keycode 166 = Prior
keycode 167 = Next

I don't believe those do anything anymore; I had an old laptop where
those mapped keys to PgUp and PgDown, but the keys in those positions
on this laptop are PgUp and PgDown.

Otherwise, this is a totally standard, boring U.S. English
configuration with a standard U.S. English keyboard.

> @Osamu: Unloading ibus somehow would only be a workaround, right? I mean,
> you should be able to use a Compose key without issues also when the
> ibus-daemon is running.

This did previously work just fine.  I've had ibus installed for some
time and I know it's been running because one of the key mappings
changed unexpectedly, as I mentioned.  I don't mind if it's installed as
long as the behavior is as it used to be.
brian m. carlson (he/him or they/them)
Toronto, Ontario, CA

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