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[Pkg-ime-devel] [ibus] about ibus input engine packaging.

Ma Xiaojun <damage3025 at gmail.com> writes:

> On Sun, Jun 9, 2013 at 6:52 AM, Daiki Ueno <ueno at unixuser.org> wrote:
>> Maybe today's preferred way to find the setup executable is reading
>> ibus-setup-<engine>.desktop, as gnome-control-center does[1].  Most of
>> major engines have shipped the file these days, e.g.:
>> https://github.com/ibus/ibus-m17n/blob/master/src/ibus-setup-m17n.desktop.in.in
>> https://github.com/choehwanjin/ibus-hangul/blob/master/setup/ibus-setup-hangul.desktop.in
> Well, ibus* package in Debian is not that up-to-date yet, for various reasons.
> And does third-party engine like ibus-moze support it now?

Well, I mean, it is easier to ship ibus-setup-<engine>.desktop in Debian
package (and hopefully upstream it later), than patching *.xml files.
That will make engine upstreams happier (because their engines will get
supported by gnome-control-center as well) and may reduce the number of
affected engine packages which we need to file bugs.  So win-win for
Debian and the upstreams.

On the other hand, <setup> is a last resort to support some setup
programs that needs extra arguments to start up.  Using it for Debian
local problem is not a way to go IMHO.

> Why break things when things are not broken?

I don't understand your question.

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