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salsa.debian.org maintenance (GitLab 11.1.4 upgrade, external storage migration)

Hi folks

We will do maintenance on salsa.debian.org today, 2018-08-11, between
1600 and 1800 UTC.

We will upgrade the GitLab instance to 11.1.4.

We will also start moving some of the large data stores with public
accessible files off to Google Cloud storage.  Using an external storage
allows us to store a much larger amount of data in our GitLab instance.
All access to it will be proxied, without providing user identifying
data to the storage provider.

In the first step we will move all the LFS objects, the CI logs and
artifacts.  This move will be transparent to the users.

A second maintenance window will be needed to move out the Docker
registry as well.

The downtime should be less then 30 minutes.


Killing is stupid; useless!
		-- McCoy, "A Private Little War", stardate 4211.8

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