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Re: What about DDTSS do you (dis)like?

On Saturday 11 June 2011, at 16:47 +0200, Davide wrote:
> On 11/06/2011 11:24, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:


> >- Whitespace only changes should be trivial, should this be an automatic accept?
> I think so, for each paragraph:

I would agree but... remember that leading spaces on each line in the DDTP are
used to indicate "not-wrappable" lines.

So if the added spaces are at the beginning of a line, it means that the
description had its format changed and in my opinion that change
should/could be reflected in the translated version.

Aside from that, it could be an automatic accept, even though
-maybe I am paranoid, I know *g*- I can think of other situations where
an added space should be at least checked by the translators: a badly
spelled command now split in two, or some ppl/product name... after all
what would be the use of adding a space even in the original if not to
correct some mistake?

Unless you are talking about a different text-wrapping of the
original description that doesn't involve a true formatting change; in that case
an automatic accept would be very welcome


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