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Re: keys in Aptitude

Quoting Daniel Burrows (d.burrows4@verizon.net):

> > Yep, sure. Maybe someone could come up with a patch, unless Daniel is
> > already aware of the way to properly use this in his source code.
>   Huh?

Well, gettext includes a method to use localised Yes/No
expressions. For instance, the French locales use "Y", "y", "O",
"o". The yesexpr is "^[oOyY].*" and the noexpr is "^[nN].*" (because
"no" has the same initial then "No").

Below is how this is used in apt. I guess you can get the point from
this. I can't really help myself about this but oter -i18n
contributors may bring you input if you need. 

// YnPrompt - Yes No Prompt.						/*{{{*/
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Returns true on a Yes.*/
bool YnPrompt(bool Default=true)
   if (_config->FindB("APT::Get::Assume-Yes",false) == true)
      c1out << _("Y") << endl;
      return true;

   char response[1024] = "";
   cin.getline(response, sizeof(response));

   if (!cin)
      return false;

   if (strlen(response) == 0)
      return Default;

   regex_t Pattern;
   int Res;

   Res = regcomp(&Pattern, nl_langinfo(YESEXPR),

   if (Res != 0) {
      char Error[300];        
      return _error->Error(_("Regex compilation error - %s"),Error);
   Res = regexec(&Pattern, response, 0, NULL, 0);
   if (Res == 0)
      return true;
   return false;

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