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Re: kde packages and hurd

Aurélien COUDERC, le dim. 11 sept. 2022 21:59:17 +0200, a ecrit:
> But I for one wasn't aware of your work getting fixes upstream so that's really good to know !

We didn't have to add many of them, since KDE is mostly very portable,
and GNU/Hurd is very close to GNU/Linux (same toolchain).

> As I understand it if someone stepped up to add a CI pipeline upstream for Hurd there are good chances that the patch would get accepted.

Mmm. That'd mean a hurd-based CI. I don't know if invent.kde.org would
be happy to use an external runner that we'd host? (we can surely sets
this up, just like we do for exim for instance).

> If all goes well the change will land in Frameworks 5.98 which should reach in Debian in a not too distant future. :-)

Great :-)


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