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Re: Hurd Latencies -- Questions...

On Tue, Jun 08, 1999 at 03:19:55PM -0700, Brent Fulgham wrote:
> Anyone using the hurd for non-trivial tasks (such as compiling
> large packages, etc.) can attest to the fact that there is a
> noticable difference in speed between the hurd and Linux
> running on the same hardware.

Indeed :) 

> I was wondering if any profiling had been done to determine
> where the time is being spent.  Is it due to the overhead
> of RPC?  Is it because of poor swap memory allocation?
> Is it something else entirely?

AFAIK, there has not been done any profiling. "Making sure that profiling
works" is still an item on the task list.

Furthermore, a lot of the speed penalty is due to disk access, even
sequential access requires one RPC per page or so. It would help a big deal
(so is assumed) if there would be another RPC that could collect ranges of
pages and send them as a packet. If this description is inaccurate that's
because I only have a naive understanding of how things work.

You can see this when you "dd if=/dev/hdc of=/dev/null" for example. Watch
the blinking of the disk led or the clicking noise.

Well, there is of course more, but that's what I assume.

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