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Re: debian-hppa on a C8000

Hi Frank,

Great! Actually this is pretty easy to set up as soon as you have found
out all needed details. :-) You only need a lifimage (with palo, Linux
kernel and initramfs), a NFS root FS for the host and - as said - the
following infrastructure services in addition:

... (215 lines deleted)

I hope I didn't forget anything important. In case of questions just
make contact.

Oh boy, and you call this all "pretty easy to set up"? It may be easy in terms of complexity, but the effort isn't negligible.

And the first difficulty is that my C8000 doesn't boot with the new kernel (vmlinuz-4.19.0-4-parisc64-smp). It stops after this message:

  Branching to kernel entry point 0x000e0000. If this is the last
  message you see, you may need to switch your console. This is
  a common symptom -- search the FAQ and mailing list at parisc-linux.org

Of course it has nothing to do with the console setting. Maybe it's caused by the fact that it's a 4 core machine with two 1 GHz dual core PA-8800 processors. And even kernel vmlinux-3.16.0-4-parisc64-smp doesn't boot absolutely reliable. Sometimes it crashes after "Reached target Graphical Interface" and "Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes". And sometimes it boots up and the connected monitor wakes up from power save mode, but the screen stays black. I guess, both is related to the ATI graphics card driver which is not in the focus of the debian-hppa project.

Lothar Paltins                                        lptmp10@arcor.de

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