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Re: X driver and configuration on HP9000/710

On 17 Jul 2002 15:34:47 -0400 Steve Pacenka <s.pacenka@verizon.net> wrote: 8-§  > On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 15:16, webmaster@linuxabbestia.net wrote:
8-§  > The first test is to boot a recent kernel (precompiled from CVS area);
8-§  > do you see a Penguin?  Kernel -pa55 supports a variety of HP video cards
8-§  > and should automatically come up in framebuffer mode if it supports your
8-§  > particular card.  I have video cards crx24 aqnd crx running well with X.

Well debian has already run on it from a couple of week. Even if I admit I have not so much to dedicate right now, but I thought my question for the very close future to have the chance to collect all the infos I need. I'm pretty good in debian's stuff, but it is my first experience about a debian porting on other architecture!
I have installed woody with 2.4.9 kernel in it, Xfree 4.1.0: in fact I downloaded palinux 0.9.3 (rc6).
Well I will try and I let you know the results: consider that HP9000/710 is older than yours!

8-§  > 
8-§  > The Penguin is a good luck charm.  Presuming that, you may be able to
8-§  > get X to start right off, or with minor editing of the
8-§  > /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file to match the resolution, monitor, mouse, and
8-§  > keyboard settings to what you actually have.
8-§  > 

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