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Fwd: Re: mediawiki2latex-7.2

mediawiki2latex-7.2 does only compile on amd64, it does not on any other platform. The issue seems to have to do with crypto certificate stuff (libghc-pem-dev,libghc-certificate-dev). The point is that mediawiki2latex actually does not need these crypto stuff. So its likely to do with some general policy that neither I nor Georges Khaznadar who is current uploader of the package understand well enough to resolve the issue.
Yours Dirk

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: mediawiki2latex-7.2
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2013 17:38:14 +0100
From: Georges Khaznadar <georges.khaznadar@free.fr>
To: Dirk Hünniger <dirk.hunniger@googlemail.com>

Hello Dirk, I uploaded the package for the version 7.2 yesterday.
Everything went fine. However I am facing an issue which takes its
origin in the new policy of maintainers of GHC packages.

The automatic building tool which is used in Debian's compile farm is
not able to solve the build-dependencies in order to create on the fly
the right environment to build the package.

Please take a look at the build report, at

the rebuild fails on 10 of the supported platforms with the following
error message:

libghc-certificate-dev depends on missing:
- libghc-pem-dev-0.1.2-62e18

When I dig more deeply into that issue, libghc-pem-dev-0.1.2-62e18
appears to be a virtual package which is provided by the latest release
of the package libghc-pem-dev.

I had written the build-dependency on the package libghc-pem-dev in
mw2l's debian/control file, but I fear that the build tool takes the
build-dependencies in alphabetical order; as it deals with the package
named libghc-certificate-dev, the other name libghc-pem-dev is not yet
registered, and the dependency on virtual libghc-pem-dev-0.1.2-62e18
cannot be solved.

I examined the source package for libghc-certificate-dev, and saw that
the dependency on libghc-pem-dev-0.1.2-62e18 is something which is
automatically calculated by the _expression_ "${haskell:Depends}", which
is expanded during the construction of the binary package.

Unfortunately, the _expression_ "${haskell:Depends}" is expanded into a list
of virtual packages only, which is contrary to other general debian
policies. One package should never depend on virtual-only packages, it
should depend on alternatives which begin with virtual packages and
provide at least one non-virtual package as a fallback.

I ignore whom I should send this bug report; I suppose that the "Debian
Haskell Group" would be the most relevant structure to mail to; However
I beware mailing lists like pkg-haskell-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org
since I ignore whetheter somebody in that group of people is reactive
enough to reply quickly. Please Dirk, do you know directly or undirectly
somebody in the group of Debian Haskell maintainers? I would prefer to
send the bug report Cc'ed to such a particular person to be sure that
the message will not be treated as mere noise. As a matter of fact, the
list of bugs which are pending for this group is quite long: see

I wish I had waited 10 days before uploading mediawiki2latex-7.2, so the
previous version would have got a chance to enter Debian/Testing without a
correction due to the Debian Haskell Group.

By the way, Dirk, can you find in the pending bug list whether there is
already a bugreport which is already related to our issue?

If we cannot get a suitable reply quickly, I think that I can try to
patch the package haskell-devscripts, which most probably implements the
expansion of ${haskell:depends}. However even if my patch is working,
and fed into the DELAYED queue to enforce its upload (if nobody moves
during 10 days), such a patch would produce an effect only after a new
upload of packages which use those scripts, i.e. after a change in the
maintained version or sub-version of ghc libraries.

Best regards,			Georges.

Dirk Hünniger a écrit :
> Hi,
> there is one more question. If you want to process the package with
> automatted tools where can I write down the dependencies, because it
> is quite a problem to miss new runtime dependencies.
> Yours Dirk

Georges KHAZNADAR et Jocelyne FOURNIER
22 rue des mouettes, 59240 Dunkerque France.
Téléphone +33 (0)3 28 29 17 70

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