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Re: Debian on handhelds status

Hi, Klaus, thanks for the update.

I'll look forward to seeing the ipaq updates in the wiki... 
can you send out an announce here when he does it?

It I can get it working, I can contribute my experiences 
too and maybe contribute to the project in some way.


On Mon, 28 Feb 2005 11:09:51 -0600, Klaus Weidner <kw@w-m-p.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 08:29:14PM -0800, Tony Godshall wrote:
> > Is anyone up on the status of Debian on handhelds?  It
> > would be nice if someone could post a quick summary of
> > which projects are moving forward, if any, and which
> > ones have pretty much stagnated.  URLs to active projects
> > which have a working Debian on PDA would be particularly
> > useful (google searches are frustrating because there's a
> > lot of stagnant and obsolete stuff out there).
> The pocketworkstation project is in a stagnant-but-mostly-working stage:
>         Main page:
>                 http://pocketworkstation.org
>         Installation hints:
>                 http://wiki.debian.net/index.cgi?PocketWorkstation
> I haven't had time to work on it (I haven't even used my Zaurus in
> months, and am thinking about giving up on organizers and using my cell
> phone for PIM tasks), but from comments I hear the release does work for
> Zaurus users, and you can use "apt-get" to get updated or additional
> software with it.
> I've heard recent encouraging reports from someone running it on an iPAQ,
> he said he was planning to add instructions to the Wiki based on his
> experiences.
> > Last time I tried to put Debian on my handheld (IPAQ with
> > CF sleeve and 5GB drive) I was not able to locate a
> > reasonably straightforward way to do it (the one at
> > helixcode had been removed) so I had to make do with
> > familiar as the host OS and real debian only in a
> > debootstrap.  Pocketworkstation was supposed to work but
> > the instructions were so Zaurus-specific I couldn't get
> > it to work.
> I agree that it's a lot of work to get it running, and definitely
> something for people who like to fiddle with things to get them working
> rather than end users.
> -Klaus

Tony Godshall

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