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Re: new distribution

On Sun, 2005-01-02 at 13:11 -0600, Chris Larson wrote:
> * trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com (trixter@0xdecafbad.com) wrote:
> > lies!  france has decided that I am not allowed to participate at all.
> > competent or otherwise.  his *sole* decision prevents me from staying on
> > the mailing list, irc, etc.  
> My ignorance of france's decisions doesn't make it a lie, it makes it a
> misunderstanding.  Regardless, OE's metadata isn't even within his
> control.
That is an expression, perhaps it doesnt translate well.

But isnt openembedded.org hosted on the box he controls?  Isnt the cvs
repository under his control?

> > If it werent for the work I did this week bluetooth on the 0.8 final for
> > h5500 would still not function (it got broke *again* when it worked in
> > 0.8-pre), some hardware wouldnt be supported, people would not be able
> > to upgrade (familiar released several packages that werent tested so
> > people have to patch their systems manually just to upgrade them), etc.
> > This is not to say that someone would not have eventually figured it
> > out, some of it was easy, and most people could have done it.
> I'm proud of you.  Was there a reason for this pointless shameless self
> promotion?
your comment about me showing myself competent.  Or maybe it was to
compete with your shameless promitons of handhelds.org.  Maybe it was to
show that I am actually working on familiar when those that are
responsible for it aparently are not.  Look at gpsd, its not even fully
compiled (which means it could *never* have been tested) yet its one of
the 1300 packages you told me to use instead of doing my own thing.  I
made a arm package for people who want to use gpsd but cannot because
they either dont know how to compile it, dont have a system to compile
it or whatever, but cannot use the half compiled broken one at

These are the types of things that I am dealing with using familiar, and
why I do not want to use it in the future.  Part of the reason that
familiar had a mass exodus back to pocket pc a week or two ago (check
the mailing list, I am sure that not everyone that went back out of
frustration of nothing working posted to the list, I do know that many
people posted they were going back).

You can tell me all you want that familiar is where its at, but that
does not make it true.  Familiar is broken, it is getting more broken
with each release.  I want to use my ipaq not constantly fix problems
created by other people.  It is for that reason that I was evaluating
alternatives to familiar (and this was laid out in the original email).
Your response of how I should just use familiars 1300 packages is

> > Additionally stuff that I have reported (as simple as a RDEPENDS change)
> > is taking at least more than 2 weeks to fix (its still not fixed). 
> Reported via what means?
spoke to koen on irc, emailed koen a couple times.  it was promised that
it would be looked at.  granted there were holidays the new release of
familiar, etc, and this one example was not the only time that this has
occured, and not just by stuff reported by me.  The bugtracking page has
other simmilar problems.

> > > > Yes and there is a 'BootStrap' image that hh.org has its basically opie
> > > > or gpe without a GUI (what makes opie opie and gpe gpe).  But it would
> > > > still be awkward to mount effectivly a root partition as a subdirectory
> > > > somewhere to use it for document storage. 
> > > 
> > > I should correct a misconception here.  Bootstrap is the distro without
> > > a gui.  It is not opie without a gui, because opie _is_ a gui.  opie
> > > without a gui is nothing.
> > 
> > what misconception, other than the one you have about what I said?  I
> > even specifically said the gui is what makes opie opie or gpe gpe.
> > personally I dont see a misconception on my part, but I do find it
> > interesting that you have to correct me on this by basically saying I am
> > wrong but saying the same thing as I said..
> Bootstrap is not opie without opie.  It is not gpe without gpe.  It is a
> distribution without either.  How many times do you need me to fix your
> terminology before it sinks in?

When you actually fix it I will let you know.  Until then hush.  Perhaps
you should read what I said in context instead of taing the holier than
thou attitude.  Your inability to understand what I was saying and how I
was saying it does not mean that you corrected anything, it just means
that you dont understand.

To be clear I was specifically talking about it in a context that maybe
not everyone knows what familiar is, what the different distros are, and
they may be confused by the terminology of 'bootstrap' since that has a
different meaning outside the familiar image.  Normally bootstrap does
not mean 'CLI interface' but far be it from me to correct the familiar
gods terminilogy, especially when they troll other places to correct
peoples terminology out of their lack of understanding.

I was just trying to explain what it was in a simple to understand way.
Most people that would know about opie or gpe would know that its a gui
environment, and would only use the gui environment (not all, granted I
dont use mine nearly as much as I use ssh into my ipaq).  By saying
specifically "its basically opie or gpe without a GUI (what makes opie
opie and gpe gpe)" I am merely saying that it is the same as those
without a GUI, and the related packages, the very things that makes opie
opie and gpe gpe.  

Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com

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