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Re: Trying to join the hamradio team

Hello Roland,

Even if it does, it's decode performance is so low
(especially on 9600bps FSK), why would it really matter?

I know all this and I already started working on the "problem".

Ok and of course, it's entirely your choice if you want to modernize Thomas Sailer's soundmodem to improve it's performance. One other thing to consider here is that Thomas's code uses GTK2 which is EOL and generally no longer available in modern OSes. As such, effort will be
required to port that to say GTK3 or some other supported framework.

check out John Weisman's soundmodem which is based on Andy Kopanchuk
UZ7HO's Windows soundmodem:

This might be a good modem, but using a modem on the wine emulator under
linux definitively is not something I want to do. So, thank you, but no.

G8BPQ's soundmodem is a port of the modem code to a whole new Linux-native application. No MS Windows GUI requirements and/or use of WINE in his port as it's using Qt.


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