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Bug#995198: wsjtx: No transmit audio

Re: Hilary Snaden
> The CAT on my rig stopped working after a voltage surge fried my USB-serial
> interfaces. A new (USB controllable) rig is on my medium-term wishlist.

Ouch :(

> However, if I try to change the audio device (settings...) this appears:
> Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
> Cannot connect to server request channel
> jack server is not running or cannot be started

That looks like Qt multimeda has trouble talking to pulseaudio.

Are you using pulseaudio? Is fldigi working properly through
pulseaudio, or talking to the sound devices differently?
(To inspect, start pavucontrol and check if the play/record channel
meters move on transmitting.)

I have no idea if wsjtx on Debian is supposed to work with Jack or
plain Alsa.


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