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Software Defined Radio Academy: Programme is ready

Dear lists,

this year's Software Defined Radio Academy is taking place as an online
conference. Because of the great number of contributions, we are
spanning the conference over two days: Saturday June 27 and Sunday June
28 2020. 

We also decided to start the stream in the afternoon in order to give
our overseas audience a fair chance to participate. 

We have pre-recorded the talks, so there is no back-channel or
interruption during the talks, but the speakers will be available in
our video conferencing system and we will closely observe all the
comments that will be submitted into the channel. At the end of the
according slots, there is always a little time left for the speakers to
respond. So there is a certain degree of interaction and we do
encourage you to make use of it. 

Our mother organisation, the German Amateur Radio Club DARC also
decided to provide a decent online substitute to the HAMRADIO
hamvention that was called off by the authorities and I'm proud to say
that our team was giving the ideas and helped this really large event
to take place. Alltogether our video team, the other video team from
Faszination Amateurfunk and the DARC permanent staff managed to provide
more than 60 hours of talks, discussions and fantastic content, which
will be streamed at this weekend. For those of you who understand
German, here is the streaming plan:


Back to the Software Defined Radio Academy:

I wrote that the programme is ready. Please check it out here:


We're looking forward to welcome all of you on our Youtube stream.
Please enjoy!

And please feel free to redistribute this information. 

BR / VY73

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