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Re: fldigi_1.30-1_i386.changes is NEW

* Hamish Moffatt <hamish@debian.org> [2007 Mar 08 02:03 -0600]:
> On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 05:57:20PM -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> > * Hamish Moffatt <hamish@debian.org> [2007 Mar 05 15:05 -0600]:
> > 
> > > And what an ugly interface it has! I might stick to gMFSK.
> > 
> > While I agree that the FLTK UI is ugly, I found the program to be
> > technically solid and it now seems more capable than gmfsk, so I've
> In what way is it more capable?

Picture reception works in MFSK16 mode which has not worked for me in
gmfsk that is in Sid.

I was able to easily calibrate the soundcard in fldigi, yet could find
no way to do it in gmfsk although it is configurable.

The onscreen squelch level control is very useful.

One can backspace through characters already sent which gmfsk doesn't

Just a few examples that come to mind.  I've only used either for a
month or so.

> (This is an honest question, not a loaded one.)

Seriously, I find that the fldigi UI is very poor in comparison to
gmfsk.  As an operator, the keyboard shortcuts of gmfsk are much
handier and gmfsk does a better job selecting information for the log. 
The GTK UI of gmfsk adopts the theme of my KDE (with the

> Do you know why the missing functionality couldn't have been added to
> gMFSK instead of constructing a new program from scratch?

No, I don't.  I recall, from reading his web page. that Dave's work
began by enhancing and fixing gmfsk.  I understand, from his page, that
there is an extended version with features that aren't in the Sid
version.  My understanding (guess?) is that fldigi is mostly gmfsk
built with FLTK with multi-threaded mode enabled.

He is also working on an interesting XML definition language for rig
control--something that may be useful for Hamlib in the future.

As for any other questions, it would probably be best to ask Dave.  He
announced that his bandwidth for March has been exceeded.  There is a
Yahoo! Groups mailing list called linuxham@yahoogroups.com.

73, de Nate >>

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