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Re: Getting out of KISS mode

On Mar 6, 2006, at 3:31 PM, Ed wrote:

Bob, I remember you from a few years back, when you helped me get all my packet and data radio working with Linux. What was that...'97?

Anyway, since my serial port on my linux box doesn't work, I'll need to try this with my windows box.

I wonder if I can use Cygwin and run the perl script just as you have it below? Otherwise I guess I'll have to replace /dev/tty0 with COM1?

I'm not sure if anything will work though. I've tried the alt key combo and the hard reset. Neither works. I have the unit hooked via serial cable to a com port set to 1200 N-8-1 on my windows box so I think the parameters are all right.

I can't believe it's dead. It's just been in storage. I'll poke around with a logic probe and meter a bit tonight when I have more time.

Any other ideas?


The only other thing I can think of is that maybe a 'minute or two' isn't quite long enough to lose the RAM contents after removing the battery. If not, it may just screw things up worse. Leave the battery out for 15 minutes or more. If that doesn't fix it I would suspect a hardware problem.

Now I remember why I switched to KISS-only EPROMS :^)


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