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Re: Getting out of KISS mode

On Mar 6, 2006, at 2:25 PM, Nate Duehr wrote:

On a related topic:

Some local hams were talking about putting a KPC-3+ TNC in "Converse" mode on the air locally here for some APRS stuff they were doing.

It's been years and years since I did any packet, but were they really meaning KISS mode?

They said they needed to hit "K" from a KPC-3's command prompt, if that's any help.

They were bemoaning that they couldn't keep the TNC *in* that mode, and their software for WX monitoring needed it.

So... I figured I'd go ask the Debian packet gurus and see what they're doing incorrectly and try to help them out...

Converse mode != KISS.

Converse mode is the mode you enter after making a packet connection. A Ctrl-C will cause the TNC to switch from converse to command mode and either the CONVERSE command or its shortcut "K" will switch from command mode to converse mode (this describes how the TAPR command set works and I believe Kantronics firmware is functionally equivalent).

73, Bob N7XY

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