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CWirc debian packages

Hello everybody,

I've made Debian packages for CWirc (source and i386 binary). They are here :


They can also be installed through apt-get by adding the following lines in /etc/apt/sources.list :

deb http://webperso.easyconnect.fr/om.the/web/cwirc/debian ./
deb-src http://webperso.easyconnect.fr/om.the/web/cwirc/debian ./

Then do "apt-get update" and "apt-get install cwirc" or "apt-get source cwirc"

Take care !

Pierre-Philippe Coupard <pcoupard@easyconnect.fr>
Software Engineer
Speaking of purchasing a dog, never buy a watchdog that's on sale.
After all, everyone knows a bargain dog never bites!

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