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Re: Almost done but.....


  Check 'man 3 system' ... the description is:

         system - execute a shell command

          #include <stdlib.h>

          int system (const char * string);

          system() executes a command specified in string by calling
          /bin/sh -c string, and returns after the command has  been
          completed.   During execution of the command, SIGCHLD will
          be blocked, and SIGINT and SIGQUIT will be ignored.

                   73 de Ramsay, KC2GMW

w9ya wrote:
> Hey gang;
> I am almost done integrating TLF et al into the arch-linux distro, however
> reading thru the HTML docs I noted the following;
> "TLF needs some bash commands to work: tee, less, joe,system."
> Which is fine, but I am NOT familiar with the 'system' command. Can someone
> help me out with this please ?
> Thank you for your time.
> Bob Finch
> w9ya
> --
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