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Re: TLF and European HF Championship

On Thursday 11 July 2002 16:03, Jaime Robles wrote:

> Hello,
> The next 3 Agost, saturday it will be the European HF Championship.
> http://lea.hamradio.si/~scc/rules.txt
> Maybe it is not the biggest contest but it is a nice one... Is the "Sprint"
> contest in tlf the same European HF Championship?

The EU HF championship is not the same as the SPRINT.  I will have a look at 
the rules this weekend to make tlf support it...

> I will be on contest that day (only 12 hour contest) to test the tlf
> capabilities on a real contest in advance of the CQ WW 2002 of October.

I have used tlf for 2 years now during the CQWW, with fb results..

> Well, i am going to try to use the "Debian Ham Distribution". :-)
> Another thing... are there any plans to make tlf work for multi/multi
> stations?

yes, the plans for M/M are ready, only the coding has to be done :-)

I am working on a UDP networking scheme to send qso data from one station to 
the other (like CT does). This will mean every station has the full log for 
checking, duping and scoring.

73, Rein PA0RCT

> - --
> Un saludo,
> 	Jaime Robles, EA4TV
> 	jaime@robles.nu
> Visita	http://www.redlibre.net - La Red Libre de todos!
> 	http://smsdx.net - El DXCluster en tu movil!

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