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Re: logging day to day

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On Saturday 29 June 2002 10:07 am, Grant Bowman wrote:
> * Joop Stakenborg <pa3aba@debian.org> [020629 04:48]:
> > On Monday 03 June 2002 06:21, Jaye Inabnit ke6sls wrote:
> > > I just loaded xlog to log with for the time being, but my question is
> > > if there is a debianized logger for day to day logging?  I used to run
> > > Log-eqf, and it was a fine way for me to keep current on my qsl's, and
> > > easy tracking. I would like to find something similar if possible. 
> > > Also, would *really* like to have a way to import eqf files into
> > > current database. Right now, xlog is kind of basic, and I want to add
> > > things like qth etc.
> >
> > I guess xlog is only available logger in debian for the moment. I have
> > planned to add tlf in the near future (for contesting). Importing log-eqf
> > files is not planned for xlog, but the next version will support cabrillo
> > and adif, so you could export to that format in log-eqf and then (cross
> > your fingers) import it into xlog....
> What about twlog?


Thanks for the tip.  I tried twlog a few years ago, but I found it too basic. 
Ted has continued to work on it, and I really like how customizable it is.  
It was also a pleasure to run 'agi twlog' and seconds later it was installed 
:)  It doesn't import other log files, but at least I can start somewhere.

tatah and 73

- -- 

Jaye Inabnit\ARS ke6sls\/A GNU-Debian linux user\/ http://www.qsl.net/ke6sls
If it's stupid, but works, it ain't stupid. I SHOUT JUST FOR FUN.
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