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Re: gpsk31

On Fri, Aug 10, 2001 at 08:04:34PM -0300, Carlos Barros wrote:
> 	In radio.linux.org.au I found this package and kpsk. The author says
> that the kpsk is newer, has a nice waterfall and more. But it requires KDE.
> On the other side gpsk only require gtk. In a p5 200 MMX with a SB16 it
> works really nice. It listen very good and has it's look like psk31 but in X.
> 	I could maintain the debian package of it, are you interested?
> BTW When I tried to build kpsk I had problems by te versions of the KDE and
> QT libs.

I think that would make a good Debian package. Possibly, both of them
(one for GTK/GNOME setups, and one for KDE setups.)

I already maintain 'phaseshift' which is a Qt PSK31 terminal. Unfortunately
the author's web page has disappeared so I am not sure what the future
of the program is.

Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish@debian.org> <hamish@cloud.net.au>

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