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gnome-volume-manager and kernel 2.6.11


Package: gnome-volume-manager
Version: 1.1.3-2
Severity: normal

I have an odd bug with gnome-volume-manager and kernel 2.6.11. With
2.6.9 everything gnome-volume-manager related just worked like a charm.
But with 2.6.11 the icon of the newly mounted device will not appear on
my gnome desktop. I first thought that it is a problem with the kernel
and I forgot to include some modules, but to my surprise all the devices
that I inserted were mounted successful, the icon just didn't appear on
the desktop. What really surprised me, was that everything except the
icon on the desktop just worked. So I could tell g-v-m to play newly
mounted DVD's in xine, and this worked. Or I could tell g-v-m to show
the newly mounted device in nautilus and it would do that. But it
wouldn't show the icon on the deskop.

I could reproduce this behaviour with a CD-ROM and an usbstick, so I
don't think it is an "device-dependant" issue. If I start g-v-m from the
console I couldn't see any errors. I as well tested the latest upstream
version of g-v-m (1.2) and I have the same issue. (I created my own ugly
deb package).

I think this is really weired and I don't really know where to ask for
help or where to file a bug report. I think the package
gnome-volume-manager would be the right place, but as it only happens
with 2.6.11? I have nearly all my packages from unstable, only some
unrelated packages (tetex) from experimental.

If I can provide more information or you think this is definitely the
wrong place to post such an issue, please tell me so (perhaps with some
hints where to ask for help).

Thanks in advance


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