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Re: How to choose icons from a list

Luis M a écrit :
On Sun, 2004-09-05 at 15:02 +0200, Simon Manquest wrote:

Hi all,

it's my first post here. I'm using gnome 2.6.2 with debian SID.

I'd like to make a desktop like this one :


I found the icons but it's just a lot of images, not a set I can import using the theme manager. I wonder how I can make these icons set by default for my desktop : if I create a directory on my desktop, I want the right icon to be displayed, not the one used by the theme I use.
It would be fine to have the icons in nautilus too.

I don't know if you understand what I want to do (I'm french too ^^) but I need your help ;)

What you should do is take one of the simplest Gnome Themes and start a
new theme with this icons you got.
Make sure you copy the icons in the directories that have the right
dimensions and give them the same names. That's all there is to it.
Now, that can easily take you a whole day (or longer) to setup ;-)

If you want a point to start, get this theme and use it as a reference:


That's a MacOS-like theme that I use some times (until i get tired of
all the gray stuff in the screen and switch to Nuvola for some
blue ;-)).
The theme has a Perl script for installing the icons in the right place

thanks !

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