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Re: root login

El día 30 abr 2003, Michael Toomim escribía:
> Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo wrote:
> >On Tue, Apr 29, 2003 at 02:50:02PM -0700, Michael Toomim wrote:
> >
> >  And how services are being runned in each one? Is the Linux one a net
> >  server and the windows one a desktop box? Are you taking care of
> Yes.  That's my point.  People break into servers more than desktop 
> machines because then they can host warez on servers.  But of course, 
> any unix *desktop* also has the potential to be a server, so it doesn't 
> matter if I only use it as a desktop.  Crackers will turn it into a 
> server if they can.

  So crackers do that to host warez? The first time I heard that.

> >  installing security fixes? Are you taking care of closing services you
> >  don't need to be provided to the Internet?
> Yes, I turned off all unneeded services, etc.  The latest breakin was a 
> debian stable (woody) machine that had been upgraded daily with all the 
> latest security updates.  I think this was because of a flaw in the 
> commercial ssh package (ssh2).  I realized after a while that it was a 
> really old version, and nobody at debian seemed to be maintaining it 
> even though it was a huge security hole.  I reported a bug, but it took 
> a couple months for them to remove it from debian, and I had already 
> been rootkitted by then.

  Debian cannot make anything to commercial ssh2 package. It's enough to
  be distributing it. Sometimes I think that we should drop that
  non-free section.

  Just FYI, non-free has no security tracking, and non-free is not part
  of Debian. It's only there to support our users.

  Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo

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