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Re: GNOME 1.4 Status

>>>>> On 14 Apr 2001 10:22:29 -0500, epg@pobox.com (Eric Gillespie, Jr.) said:

 Eric> The maintainers of gtop and python-gnome have spoken up and
 Eric> said that they will upload new versions, so i'll leave them
 Eric> alone.  bug-buddy appears to be under control as well, but i'm
 Eric> not sure yet. I'll post its status soon.

 Eric> Furthermore, Martin Bialasinski has given me the task-gnome-*
 Eric> packages. I will roll new meta-packages along the lines i
 Eric> mentioned in my original message and post them here for
 Eric> comments before uploading. I will then ask that task-gnome-* be
 Eric> removed from the archive. I could really use suggestions for
 Eric> what to call the gnome-games and gnome-network meta-packages,
 Eric> since there are already packages with those names.

They should be called task-gnome-* packages.  Isn't that the point of
task-* packages?  Why do you want to rename them to something else?


@James LewisMoss <dres@debian.org>      |  Blessed Be!
@    http://jimdres.home.mindspring.com |  Linux is kewl!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach

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