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Re: Request for vendored package: chezmoi dotfile manager

On Fri, Aug 04, 2023 at 07:20:32PM +0200, Tom Payne wrote:
> On Thu, 3 Aug 2023 at 05:03, Nilesh Patra <nilesh@debian.org> wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 03, 2023 at 01:28:44AM +0200, Tom Payne wrote:
> > > I, and chezmoi's users, would love for chezmoi to be included in Debian.
> > > There's an existing Debian bug for this
> > > <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1012721>, and an
> > existing
> > > issue in the chezmoi repo <
> > https://github.com/twpayne/chezmoi/issues/2130>.
> >
> > As per the Bug report, Ryan is working on it so I've kept them in CC.
> >
> > > What is tricky is that chezmoi has regular releases
> > > <https://www.chezmoi.io/reference/release-history/> (roughly, a minor
> > > version every two weeks), including fixing security problems
> >
> > Are security problems relatively frequent?
> >
> They're every month or so. For example, Go 1.19 has had twelve patch
> releases to address security problems since it's release on year ago. Of
> course, not all of these affect chezmoi.
> Security problems in other dependencies are less frequent, maybe a few per
> year. I have a scheduled daily govulncheck run and fix problems as soon as
> I can, usually within a few hours.

so, allow me to clarify this -- where are the vulnerabilities usually

a) In chezmoi code itself
b) In the dependencies of chezmoi
c) In the libraries vendored by chezmoi (i.e. in vendor/ directory if it
has one).

If it's "b" then I don't think you need to do much except for tagging
the CVE with updated version in go.mod.

> > If so, do note that the debian release cycle may have quirks with
> > the same. Debian is released once in ~2 years and the stable version
> > needs support for ~3 years. Except for very urgent cases, packages
> > are not updated in stable.
> >
> > If a security bug hits the version in stable, do you find it a possibility
> > to support backporting security patches?
> >
> Yes-ish. Go itself only supports security fixes up to ~1 year, so I'm not
> sure how chezmoi (or Debian) can do better than that. Are you backporting
> security fixes from Go 1.20.7 (which has a recent security fix) to Go 1.15
> (which was released ~3 years ago)?

Can you provide the exact CVE number you are referring to?

In any case, I think the answer is very likely a yes. There have been
few uploads this march for go1.15 with a bunch of CVE fixes


That said, I'm not directly involved with golang compiler package
itself. I have CC'ed Shengjing to comment more on it.

> > Are _major_ version changes in the dependencies a frequent occurence?
> >
> I probably do about a ten major version changes per year. However minor and
> patch version bumps also cause problems, for example:
> - New minor and patch versions are obviously broken, and the maintainer has
> no interest in fixing them (e.g. https://github.com/sergi/go-diff)
> - New patch versions drop significant functionality (e.g.
> https://github.com/containerd/console/issues/75)
> I know that the underlying problem here is that these maintainers have not
> used semantic versioning correctly, but maintainers are human and therefore
> make mistakes, so you cannot rely on semantic versions being correct.


> > > Would you consider accepting chezmoi as a vendored package, as happened
> > > with Kubernetes
> > > <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=971515#172>?
> >
> > I find it unlikely but I think a mix of vendored libs and system
> > packages can make it work. Many packages follow similar methods.
> >
> What do I need to do to enable this mix? I read the Debian Go packaging page
> <https://go-team.pages.debian.net/packaging.html> but could not find any
> mention of it.

Yep, because vendoring is usually discouraged, since it leads to code
copies and that can cause issues if one of the vendored libs hits a CVE.
We usually do this by repacking un-needed vendored stuff and adding a
build dependency on corresponding debian packages in the archive.

> Would vendoring-in chezmoi's dependencies be sufficient from
> upstream (i.e. me)?

If the dependencies are very frequently updated, then _probably_ yes.
That said, since I did not dive deep into the package, I can't comment
with certainity. Maybe Ryan could chime in here?


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