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Re: Re: Strange bug, help needed

I am getting the same problem and this is what I have found / done / etc.
-The bug does not occur when firefox is run as root
-The bug first appeared when I upgraded to firefox 3
-Because of that I backed out and returned to firefox but the bug remains for all users other than root -I had copies of firefox and firefox, both of which I had upgraded from a while back. -But, I get the same problem with all three versions that had run fine before for about a year -When I search google I find over 300,000 hits all reporting the same problem and some reporting it with other programs as well -there are numerous suggestions to recompile from source using different malloc routines however it seems that this makes no difference -there are instances where it is reported that the problem stopped but always for unknown reasons -Because firefox runs fine under root I made sure that everyone had root privileges on all relevant files and that made no difference -on a suggestion that the firefox profile might have become corrupted I created new profiles for each user and again the problem did not go away - however, using a new profile for root does not cause the problem - root still runs fine -on a suggestion that flash was the problem, I removed all instances of it with no results -on a suggestion that firefox add-ons caused the problem I removed them and still the problem remains
-memtest is fine
-one user suggested that the problem is an old copy of ArchImage, but I do not use it -I set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include the firefox library and it makes no difference
-some suggest that SCIM is the problem but I am not running it.

Now, any more suggestions? Thousands of firefox users would appreciate the help.

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