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Bug#37933: problems during glibc build on m68k

At 13:28 +0200 1999-06-04, Roman Hodek wrote:
:-) So I'll just tell you what needs to be modified: In
debian/patches/m68k-chown.dpatch, find the place where the lchown.c
diff starts (it's the 2nd of 3 files). The pathnames for this file are


but should be


i.e., the 2nd and 3rd component of the path should be removed. The
other 2 files (chown.c, syscalls.list) have correct paths, you can
compare the result with them.

Sorry for the trouble...

I think it's partly my fault, I did do some editing of that patch, but missed that diff.

Just fixed it for -11.
Joel Klecker (aka Espy)                    Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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