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Bug#33505: Test case for bug 33505

An example place it occurs...


In one window:

typhaon; tar xzf shm_program-1.0.tgz
typhaon; cd shm_program-1.0
typhaon; ls
COPYING         README          dummy_client.c  shm_daemon.c
Makefile        cat_client.c    shm_client.c
typhaon; make
gcc -O2 -ansi -Wall -pedantic   -c shm_client.c -o shm_client.o
gcc -s -export-dynamic shm_client.o -ldl -o shm_client
gcc -O2 -ansi -Wall -pedantic  -s  shm_daemon.c   -o shm_daemon
gcc -O2 -ansi -Wall -pedantic -shared -s dummy_client.c -o dummy_client.so
gcc -O2 -ansi -Wall -pedantic -shared -s cat_client.c -o cat_client.so
typhaon; ./shm_daemon README README.shm
shmctl: Operation not permitted
WARNING: Continuing without locking down memory pages.
[daemon continues in foreground]

In a second window:

typhaon; ./shm_client README.shm ././././././././././././././dummy_client.so
Dummy client ready.  Press 'q' to quit or 'd' to dump shared memory.
Quitting ('q' found).
typhaon; ./shm_client README.shm ././././././././././././././COPYING

typhaon; ./shm_client README.shm ./././././././././././././COPYING

typhaon; ./shm_client README.shm ././././././././././././COPYING

typhaon; ./shm_client README.shm ./COPYING
./COPYING: invalid ELF header

So - it's a problem with dlerror() after a dlopen() of an invalid file.
As for the comment 22 or so characters is insanely short for a pathname
buffer - yes, but not if you're thinking it will always be a library

(doesn't excuse the original poor coding, wherever it is, but may explain

And the characte that the buffer gets on the end can be any kind of
random junk.


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