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Re: GDAL and GeoParquet in Debian

On Fri, Mar 29, 2024 at 10:00:39AM +0100, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:

Reading about Geoparquet format and getting enthousiast, I see that it is not (yet) available in GDAL in Debian yet.

Is it because the gdal driver [0] page is telling: "The driver should be considered experimental as the GeoParquet specification is not finalized yet"?

Because [1] tells me there is a stable specification?
OR is there another reason (adding a dependency to Parquet maybe)?

As said, I'm not into the details, but getting a little excited by reading this post [0] from Chris Holmes :-)


Richard Duivenvoorde

I would add duckdb to the stack of interesting new engines with spatial
extension. I see some aborruso articles and experiments which smells
quite interesting.
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