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On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 6:27 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl> wrote:
On 19-12-15 14:59, Rashad Kanavath wrote:
> How do we fix itk packaging? Is it possible to move it to DebianGIS ?. I am
> okay to provide help to resolve the current bugs. But I need to check this
> if it possible for me to pass more time on itk packaging.

The ITK4 packaging is perfectly fine under the Debian Med umbrella where
it is now. They do need to handle their transitions better. There are
still a number of packages that depend on libinsighttoolkit4.7 whereas
libinsighttoolkit4.8 is now in unstable.

Also have a look at the outstanding bugs for insighttoolkit4, these show
that it's a beast to build (requiring > 40 GB disk space) (#759794), and
also documents why it's only built on amd64 & i386 (#724711).

I will check why it is only two arch. The other one required 40GB is also strange. But the packaging builds all library + testing + examples and it also runs test. AFAICT, ITK downloads testing data during cmake configure when testing is enabled. This could also be the reason why fails on other arch. A failing test may break the build. I am not sure but I will check it next week.

How to best help get insighttoolkit4 into shape to not hinder OTB
packaging is best discussed with Steve M. Robbins <smr@debian.org> &
Gert Wollny <gw.fossdev@gmail.com> who appear to be the active
maintainers within the Debian Med team beside being listed as Uploaders.

> vtk and gdcm are some of the modules which are not used in OTB.  It does
> not want any of those shared libraries that is shown missing. I guess
> fixing the way OTB tried to find itk could be an easiest solution. Or the
> build-requires in OTB must be stuffed with those extra libs.

If ITK4 uses CMake components, OTB could require only those for its build.

It may be sufficient to specify the required ITK components for OTB in
Modules/ThirdParty/ITK/CMakeLists.txt instead of the full find_package()
it currently does:


This pulls in all of ITK, not just the components required for OTB. It
should probably do the same as

Totally agreed. For the moment, I will go with a patch an fix a push into upstream. Right now OTB is at edge of release. Next tuesday (tentative). So I am afraid that I cannot get this into 5.2 :(

> Looking at itk packaging they didn't split their libs into a seperate
> package. But they have this in their rules.
> override_dh_lintian:
> echo "$(pkg_lib): package-name-doesnt-match-sonames" >
> debian/$(pkg_lib).lintian-overrides
> dh_lintian

As Johan said, this is a bad example, don't follow it.
There is no such error right now in otb. I had split them all into matching packages. 

Kind Regards,


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